Tuesday 10 April 2007

April, already!

Wow, hellooooooo April. And may i just say how uterly gorgeous you are!!!

Again a lot has happened so i probably won't fit it all in here and concentrate on the bits you want me to shut up about, but its my blog so *makes rude gesture*.

So, i'm in Birmingham, and its not as bad as i thought, not really bored at all and less than a week till i get my MacBook Pro =D Can't wait!!!

Went to see Aqualung on Esater Sunday, my word what an amazing little gig it was too! Everyone should definatly try and see them ASAP! They were supported by a little folk trooper named Kate Walsh, her musics good, if a little samey, still worth a quick sample search on iTunes however.

I'm really getting into Oblivion on the 360, just bought some new content for it costing me just under 4 quid which should help my enjoyment of the game by adding new quests and spells :D

Just started doing my mountain of Uni work, i don't think i'm going get it all done by Monday but i want to get at least one bio SAQ set done, the other one attempted at least, the research on diabetes done for the GBL next Thursday, and a compleet run through of all the Japanese vocab and grammer up until now as well as trying to learn as much kanji as i can. In short, i have a lot left to do.

I'm realising i'll have about £200 to last me for a month or two, not good. i'm getting 1,900 ish, 1200 of it is for the macbook, leaves 700, 400 of which is for my accomodation, leaving 300, 100 of which will cover my phone bill for 2 or 3 months. so yeah, still no money due to my one extravegant purchase of the year. But at least i'll have a reliable laptop that will work and last me for the next 3 years.

Anywho this is my attempt at keeping this old battle axe rolling, more soon!!!